Truly stunning footage of a racing drone flying alongside a rollercoaster in Sweden.
I find it mystifying and infuriating that the iPhone 11 added a second camera…and it’s the ultra-wide, not the telephoto.
Number of times I wished my iPhone 7+ could zoom out: zero.
It’s an additional $500 to get the Pro with the telephoto lens.
What a wonderful interview with BEARRRRR McCREARY, composer of Battlestar Galactica fame. (Also God of War and many other things)
No other Remedy action game—not even Max Payne—has felt this fun.
– Ars Technica’s review of Control
Max Payne sits just below a few Bioware games as one of my favourite games of all time. Guess I’ll have to pick up Control!
Ah, shit. Life in Pieces has been cancelled after four seasons. It was a super adorable, very funny family sitcom. The first three seasons are on Netflix. Definitely worth checking out.